Oct 052021

Fruity Pebble Crispy Treats

Recently, Fruity Pebble Crispy Treats were brought to my attention. I had seen them before but they always seem to make my teeth hurt thinking about all that sugar. They are sweet, BUT in the…Continue Reading

Oct 222019

Chocolate Caramel Apples

Recently, I was shopping in Fredricksburg and walked into this wonderful little candy shop. The caramel apples just jumped out at me and so I had to buy one. I just love them! They truly…Continue Reading

Oct 102019

Halloween Party Mix

A dear friend of mine, Anne, sent me this recipe recently and I had to try it! She even was kind enough to send pics for me to blog the process since she knows how…Continue Reading

Aug 132019

Cinnamon Sugar Nuts

One of my favorite snacks are those roasted cinnamon sugar coated nuts you can get at Cabela’s or for you Texans out there, Bucee’s. I have been known to tag along with the hubby to…Continue Reading

Sep 042018

Microwave Popcorn

Recently, I read this tip in an article and gave it a try.  Truly I was so impressed because it worked great!  It reminds me of the old air popped popcorn without the air popper…Continue Reading