May 302019
Match Stick Bottles

Candles are all around my house because I just love them! My biggest problem is running back to the kitchen to get a lighter or hiding little books of matches near my candles. This works for a while until someone notices the matches hidden behind the photo frame. So recently I decided to just start using a jar. I used these cute little ones from the craft store that I had on hand.

I had several boxes of matches that ended up in a zip loc bag because the boxes were falling apart. So I added all those matches to the little jars.

Then cut all the little striking pads off the boxes that had fallen apart and using double sided tape, adhered them to the back or side of the jar.

So now my matches sit near my candles and makes lighting them so much more convenient. Not to mention, the jars are cute and look great just sitting out in plain view.

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